The author has offered a children's book donation program since she became an author in 2013. That program has resulted in her books being available to children in public school systems such as Detroit, Indianapolis, and Fort Wayne as well as many public library systems. Books were donated internationally to Madina Village School which is a rural primary school in Sierra Leone, West Africa serving 330 students. The school was founded by Francis Mustapha, who was born in the village of Madina.
Donate autographed books at $9.99 each to your favorite:
If you don't wish to specify, simply make a general contribution for the donation program that will be used for an organization of the author's choice.
Qty $ Book $ Ship Total
1 $9.99 3.27 $13.26
2 $19.98 3.79 $23.77
3 $29.97 4.31 $34.28
4 $39.96 4.83 $44.79
5 $49.95 5.35 $55.30
6 $59.94 5.87 $65.81
7 $69.93 6.39 $76.32
8 $79.92 6.91 $86.83
9 $89.91 7.43 $97.34
10 $99.90 7.95 $107.85
"It is our intent to motivate children to explore their world and to offer this book as a form of encouragement; putting it in as many children's hands as possible."
~ Carol Butler, Author
PAYPAL & CREDIT CARDS - We accept payment through PayPal or credit cards via our secure PayPal gateway. The price of the book is $9.99. Shipping is via USPS Media Mail with delivery in 2-8 business days. Cost varies by number of books ordered. You may see details above in the Cost Summary Table. We will contact you via email when we receive your donation.
CHECKS - We do not have a way of donating online when using a check. You may simply mail us directly at Lamplighter Pond Store c/o Tom Butler, 8324 Lamplighter Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46835. Please Include: